We require a $150 non-refundable deposit in the form of a check made payable to “Hamilton’s Driving School” in order to hold a spot.
Please mail the check to 10 Tamrox Drive, Arundel, ME 04046.
Please inform us of the student, start date and location with the payment. The rest of the balance will not be paid until the first day of class.
Prices subject to small change due to any substantial changes in gas prices
Please keep in mind that whatever location you sign up for will be the location where your driving will be done. So for example, if you sign up for the Portland location but live in Kennebunk you will need to go to Portland to do your behind-the-wheel driving lessons.
We will send you a confirmation email once we process the sign up. This may take 48 hours. Possibly more if you sign up over the weekend. Thank you for your patience. Please check your spam inbox as well.
Does your student need a medical form?
This is only for students who have a medical issue that could effect their driving. Click the link here, have the doctor fill the form out and bring it to the first night of class. The student can’t drive until the state receives that form and clears them to drive.