Bruce Hamilton
My name is Bruce Hamilton and this page is to inform you that I am operating my own drivers education school at 1 High Street, Kennebunk, Maine.
For the past twelve years, I have been teaching Drivers Education primarily in the Kennebunk area. During that time, I have taught more than 1000 students from Kennebunk High School and have been operating my own driving school (Hamilton’s Driving School) since February of 2005.
Why send your son or daughter to Hamilton’s Driving School? I can offer you personal individualized instruction. Not only will your son or daughter be taught by me in the class room, but I will also be instructing them during their driving lessons. This will be done in a timely manner, usually within a three to five week period from start to finish. This is important because it enables the student to incorporate what they have learned in the classroom while driving in the car. I also offer door to door transportation for the driving lessons which means less hassle for the parents. You do not need to concern yourself about picking up and dropping off your child for these lessons.
My school is state licensed and I limit my classroom to the number of students that I teach. I am also certified in CPR and First Aid from the Red Cross should the need ever arise. The past four years, none of my students has had an accident while driving with me. My ability to stay calm has helped the students successfully complete the driving requirements for the course.
When your son or daughter is ready for drivers education, I look forward to hearing from you.
Joe Hamilton
Hi, I’ve been teaching drivers ed for over five years now. Once I graduated from USM in 2007 I went to work for my father, Bruce Hamilton, at our Kennebunk location. I figured I would give it a shot and here we are over 9 years later with another location. Previously to drivers ed I worked in golf administration, running junior golf tournaments throughout the state. I loved working with kids and still do! It didn’t take me long to realize that this was my calling. I get a true feeling of accomplishment in seeing my students improve from their first lessons all the way through to getting their permit.
My philosophy is to make sure the student is comfortable in the car! I NEVER yell at my students and I have been told I have a huge amount of patience. A new driver is nervous enough as it is. My job is to make them as comfortable as possible so that they can learn as much as possible. In the classroom I make sure to keep things fun. Many times my students have been sitting in school all day and then they come for three more hours of class with me. Its really important to make sure things don’t get boring because if it’s boring the students aren’t going to learn it.
Call now to reserve your spot for the upcoming classes, from now throughout the summer.